STOPit – Anonymous Reporting
We are pleased to announce that our district and schools are now using STOPit, an online anonymous reporting system that is designed to deter bullying, discrimination and other inappropriate or unsafe behaviors.
Students and families can use STOPit to:
Students and family members have the power to help put an end to harmful and inappropriate behavior they see online through social media and other means. Students can use STOPit to reach out for help if they or a peer are facing a personal crisis or experiencing bullying, abuse, or are in need of mental health support. STOPit can be used to report bullying, cyberbullying, discrimination, harassment, violence, threats, weapons, alcohol or drug related issues, mental health struggles like suicidal ideations, or any other concerns.
How does STOPit work?
How to Report Your Concern
STOPit is anonymous
No personal information is needed to use STOPit. The only way personally identifiable information will be accessible through STOPit is if a student/family member voluntarily includes it within the content of a request or report. GGUSD and STOPit are committed to protecting the privacy of student data. STOPit is a signatory to the Student Privacy Pledge, spearheaded by the Future of Privacy Forum and the Software & Information Industry Association. You may review STOPit's Privacy Policy for details, including more information on how anonymous reporting works.