Welcome to Bland Middle School! You can use this site to find information about enrolling your student in one of our schools – no matter if he or she is new to our District or has previously attended BISD.
Either way, Bland ISD requires families to provide proof of residency each year in order to complete the enrollment and registration process. That’s because schools are assigned based on where a student lives. BISD does not accept out-of-district transfers or fees to enroll out-of-district students.
Students MUST be enrolled by:
The person enrolling the student must present their driver's license or Department of Transportation identification card at the time of enrollment.
To enroll a new student or review your annual registeration for the 2022-2023 school year, please read and complete the steps outlined below:
Click on the Parent Portal button below:
Bland ISD requires a parent or guardian to provide a copy of the following documents to complete the registration process:
Please be sure to review the documents accepted for proof of residency and double-check that your child's immunization records are up to date and reflect all the requirements of the state of Texas, which may vary from other states/countries.
If a language other than English is spoken most of the time in your home and by your child, an oral language proficiency test will be administered at a later date to determine your student's eligibility for the appropriate language program: English as a Second Language (ESL).
Acceptable proof of residency is one of the following:
Please note the enrollment process will not be complete until this documentation is received by your child’s campus. Students will not receive a class list or course enrollment information until it has been provided. Students who are unable to produce documentation to verify residency the Bland ISD attendance zone may not be able to attend a Bland ISD school and will be subject to withdrawal. If you have questions, or need to have a copy made for you, please call the school or come by our offices.
Presenting a false record or falsifying records is an offense under Section 37.10, Penal code, and enrollment of the child under false documents subjects the person to liability for tuition or other costs. TEC Sec. 25.002(3)(d).